
The Send Settings window:


Save a copy of sent messages in "Sent" folder

Check this box to have eM Client automatically store all your sent messages in the "Sent" folder.

Send messages immediately

Check this box to have your e-mails sent as soon as you click the Send button in the upper left corner of the New message window.

Otherwise the messages will be stored until you click the Send and Receive All button on the eM Client's toolbar.

Automatically complete email addresses when composing

Check this box to let eM Client attempt to auto-completion the email address you are typing in.

This functions enables you to quickly insert the receiver's address when composing a new email. Simply type the first few letters of the desired receiver's address into the email's To: field and eM Client will display a list of all the contacts from your address book whose email address begins with what you have typed in.


Automatically save emails to drafts every X minutes

Check this box to have eM Client periodically save the email message you are currently composing in the Drafts folder. So if you are interrupted while writing an email, you can recover the unfinished email from the Drafts folder.

In the numeric field you can specify, how often eM Client saves your unfinished email.

Spell checker

The spell checker is turned on by default and can help you avoid typos. However it can be turned off by unchecking the box.


Recipients History

eM Client can store the addresses you type into the recipient fields of your emails and can use these stored addresses to suggest and auto-finish the recipient fields in the future, regardless whether the recipients are in your contact list or not.

Click on Clear recipient history... to clear the stored recipients for privacy reasons.


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